Myrna Says Farewell

by Myrna Hays, Executive Director of the Davis Faculty Association.

It was with mixed feelings that I announced to DFA Chair Ian Kennedy my decision to retire from my job as Executive Director. I began working for the DFA in December, 1979; that is a long time! I have enjoyed my work and have tried over the years to serve faculty interests as well as possible. Many of you served in leadership positions during my years with the DFA. So I will miss working with all of you. It has been a wonderful journey from which I learned a lot and enjoyed many new experiences. On the other hand, I am pleased that the DFA board has selected an excellent replacement for me: Eric Hays. He has actually been serving the DFA in an informal way ever since he was a teenager when he persuaded me to invest in a computer and taught me to use word processing; he has been my computer geek ever since. It is time for the DFA to have new energy and his youth will help to provide that while his experience of hearing DFA issues discussed around the dinner table for all these years will help to maintain the long term memory of the organization. Eric has been working also with the CUCFA Vice President of External Relations and the nexus of the two roles will serve both entities well. So I hope that you will welcome him into the organization and bid me farewell. It is time for me to move on to other activities such as enjoying quilting and spending time traveling and playing with my grandchildren. Thanks for all the support you all have given me over the years!

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