The State of Shared Governance

The following paragraph (p.8) in the annual report on The State of Shared Governance by UC Senate Chair, Michael Brown, was spotted by a DFA member. We share it below with our bold highlighting added.

"Some of our divisions reported concerns over the manner in which campus administrative leaders were recruited and hired. The Davis Divisional Assembly, under the leadership of Chair Linda Bisson, responded to an aborted search for the EVC and Provost and the subsequent interim appointment of a campus administrator, with a resolution reaffirming the proper role of the Senate in the recruitment and selection process. The Davis Division communicated their concerns over the process in leadership searches to the President in a letter, and those concerns are currently being resolved. You have an opportunity to put in place leadership at UC Davis which will signal your commitment to systemwide excellence and shared governance, and the Senate looks forward to working with you in the search for the next chancellor of UC Davis -- the first chancellorial appointment of your presidency."

The full letter can be found at:

Ian Kennedy
Davis Faculty Association Chair

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