Beer on Us Day on Friday, October 17th, at Sudwerk

The Board of the DFA invites you to join us over a beer - or soft drink - at Sudwerk at 4:30pm on Friday 17th October. The first drink will be courtesy of the DFA. We are not mailing this messages to all faculty members, only to our members. So please invite your colleagues (especially those relatively new to UCD who may not be aware of the DFA) to this event, even if you do not plan to attend yourself. We want to hear about your concerns, your suggestions, and any other input you may have for the Board of the DFA.

As the University of California faces another challenging period, perhaps one of the most difficult times that we have encountered, we need concerted action more than ever: the future of the University itself is at stake. To be effective in representing you, we need your help. Please join us on the 17th on the outside patio if weather permits, inside if it is inclement.

Ian Kennedy
Chair, DFA

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