DFA Board Elections by Myrna Hays

A nominating committee consisting of Lenora Timm (Linguistics), Peter Hays (English), and Peter Rodman (Anthropology) has proposed candidates to fill DFA Board positions as listed below with the following code (C - continuing; E – elect; R – Re-elect):

Chair: Bill Lasley (Vet. Med.) E [one-year term]
Vice Chair: John Stewart (African Studies) E

Board members:
Judy Stamps (Evolution & Eco/DBS) C
Hugo Bogren (Med. Sch: Radiology) C
Floyd Feeney (Law) R
Peter Richerson (Env. Sci.) R
Andrew Waterhouse (Vit. & Enol.) R
James Cramer (Sociology) E
Winder McConnell (German) E
Peter Rodman (Anthropology) E
Charles Nash (Chem. Emeritus) [Ex-officio due
to CUCFA board position]

All nominees have agreed to serve. Their two-year terms of office will begin Sept. 2000. Further nominations may be made upon petition of 5% of the membership (15 members) in good standing as of April 1, 2001. Such petitions must be delivered on or before June 4, 2001, to the Executive Director (address above). If no nominations are submitted, the slate shall be accepted as elected.

Members leaving the board are Ben McCoy (Chem. Engr.), Don Abbott (English), Alan Elms (Psych.) and Lynn Roller (Spanish & Classics). We thank them—especially Ben McCoy who served as Chair—for their service to the DFA.

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