DFA Requests Rep. Assembly to hold Forum re. Lecturers and Undergraduate Education, April 2002

Dear Colleague:

In response to a petition circulated by the DFA Board of Directors, the Chair of the Academic Senate has called for a town meeting to be convened next Monday afternoon (3:00- 5:00 at the University Club). The request for this meeting was stimulated by the concern of faculty members regarding the fate of lecturer positions and was signed by myself as Chair of the DFA Board. The issues to be discussed include those relating to faculty welfare (which is the DFA's primary concern) as well as issues raised by individual faculty relating to their ability to deliver academic programs in the future.

I hope that this meeting will provide a forum for discussing several issues which are briefly outlined below. Other related issues may be raised at the time of the meeting. The success of this meeting to provide a better understanding and bring resolution to these issues depends upon the participation of faculty that are concerned and knowledgeable. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend if you have an interest in these or related issues:

1. Senate- faculty consultations on cross-discipline matters that concern the delivery of the curriculum;

2. Provisions for dissemination of information on the role of Lecturers in various departments/programs;

3. The humanitarian aspects of allowing lecturers hired 6 years ago to understand that they would be kept on with 3-year contracts if they fulfilled their responsibilities.

4. The possibility that delivery/quality of the undergraduate curriculum could be compromised by removing lecturers too quickly?

Bill Lasley, Chair
Davis Faculty Association

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