DFA Invites Senate Response to SCAPP:

SCAPP Reminder: Recently, the Academic Senate appointed a special committee to study faculty pay and promotion practices. The committee has been asked to finish their tasks and submit a final report by May 1. We have heard from the Committee that they are greatly concerned that they may not receive sufficient input from faculty. We are reminding DFA members that the Special Committee has established an e-mail address (SCAPP@geology.ucdavis.edu) to which members of the Academic Senate may address their concerns and comments; all communication will be confidential. The committee has organized its work by forming three sub-committees to address: (1) Comparison of salary data; (2) Campus Personnel Policies, Procedures, and Practices; (3) Inter campus Comparison of Personnel Policies, Procedures and Practices. We also encourage you to contact members of the Special Committee with information relative to their task. The committee members are: Howard Day (Geology), Anna Marie Busse Berger (Music), Colin Cameron (Economics), Robert Hansen (Vet. Med. Mole. Sci.), Ines Hernandez-Avila (Native Am. Studies), Martin Privalsky (Microbiology), John Robbins (Medicine, Med. Sch.), Robert Rucker (Nutrition), and Edward Schroeder (Civil & Env. Engr.). The DFA has commented on the issue in email bulletins that are provided on our web site http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~dfamhays/

DFA Election: According to the bylaws of the DFA, it is time to appoint a nominating committee and fill vacancies on the DFA board. Maintaining strong leadership is essential to DFA success in pursuing faculty interests. Please contact Myrna Hays by return email to nominate yourself or a colleague to either serve on the nominating committee or on the DFA board. We need your help.

Who Are the DFA Members? As we hope you know, the DFA board is actively seeking to recruit new members in order to strengthen our base of support. Often, as we talk with faculty to invite them to join the DFA, they ask who on the campus currently are members. In past DFA newsletters we have often listed the DFA membership. We plan to provide such a membership list on our web site. We would like to include your name and hope you agree that this will be useful; if you disagree, please let us know. And we urge you to actively seek new members to recruit. The new web site is a good place to start by informing potential members of DFA activities.

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