Finding One’s Way Thru The Merit And Promotion Briar Patch

by Peter L. Hays

You’re Invited to A DFA Forum on Merits and Promotion Wednesday, Feb. 17, 4-6 p.m. in the Cabernet Room of the Silo

Policies and procedures will be reviewed and case studies will be discussed. DFA members who have been involved in both Senate and administrative sides of the process will be on hand to comment.

Three speakers— Lisa Tell (Med & Epid, VM), Jim Millam (Animal Sci) and Tricia Moran (English)—will recount their promotion experiences, preceded by an overview of the process by Peter Hays (English).  Former Senate chair and CAP member Charles Nash will wrap things up by explaining  faculty rights and appeal procedures.  Refreshments will be served.

We  invite you as a DFA member to spread the word about this workshop. Share the information with those colleagues whom you know will be preparing advancement packages.  We urge you to attend and help make our guests welcome; especially, we urge you to invite non-DFA members so that they can observe just how helpful the DFA can be in addressing faculty interests.  To reserve a space at the workshop for yourself or a colleague, please email us at  or call 756-6413 before Feb. 11.  We look forward to seeing you there.