Year 2006

Letter to Dan Simmons Re: APM 700-10

To: Dan Simmons, Chair, Davis Division of the Academic Senate From: Ian Kennedy, Chair, Board of the Davis Faculty Association Subject: Formal review of draft APM 700-10 Date: May 8, 2006 The Davis Faculty Association Board is aware of the…

Horowitz Responds to DFA Letter

March 18, 2006 email (standard text is the original DFA letter, blue Arial text is Prof. Barbara Horwitz’s response). Professor Kennedy I apologize for the lateness of my reply to your inquiry of Jan. 28th.  As indicated in my responses…

Legislative Update

by Eric Hays and Charles Nash During the legislative session that began in January, CUCFA will be lobbying state legislators on at least three fronts: (1) Faculty Recruitment–if UC is to retain its identity as the world’s premier public university…

Letter to Senate Education Committee

February 8, 2006 To: The Honorable Jack Scott, Chair Senate Education Committee Re: Hearing on University of California Compensation Practices, February 8, 2006 Dear Senator Scott and Committee Members: Bluntly stated, the UC Regents’ announced goal of bringing all UC…