DFA Board elections

The Nominating committee has selected the following slate of candidates to fill Davis Faculty Association Board positions as listed below with the following code (C – continuing for one more year; RE – re-elect for 2-year term; E – elect for two-year term).

Chair – Ian Kennedy (Engineering) [C]
Vice – Chair Terrance Murphy (DBS) [RE]

1. Robert Rucker (Nutrition [RE]
2. Lyn Lofland (Sociology) [RE]
3. Richard Scalettar (Physics) [RE]
4. Norma Landau (History) [RE]
5. Robert Fairclough (Med: Neurology)  [E]
6. Kathryn Radke (Animal Science) [C]
7. Daniel Link (Radiology) [C]
8. Leslie Kurtz (Law) [E]
9. Peter Rodman (Anthrpology) [C]
10. Jeannette Money (Political Science) [C]
Ex-Officio: Charles Nash

All nominees have agreed to serve. Their two-year terms of office will begin Sept. 2007. Further nominations may be made upon petition of 5% of the membership (15 members) in good standing as of April 1, 2007. Such petitions must be delivered on or before June 8, 2007 to the Executive Director at 41 Camrosa Place, Sacramento, CA 95835. If no nominations are submitted, the slate shall be accepted as elected.

We thank Joe Kiskis (Physics) and Floyd Feeney (Law) for their service on the board.