DFA Memo re. health benefits

Date: Sept. 13, 2007
TO: DFA Members
FROM: Ian Kennedy, Chair

The Labor Relations office at UCOP has responded to my letter that  set out the concerns of our members in regard to changes to providers  in our medical plans. Howard Pripas has offered the following response:

Dear Professor Kennedy

Your letter of August 10 , 2007 to Executive Director Randolph Scott has been forwarded to me for response.

Minimizing provider disruption for our current enrollees was a key goal during the University’s medical bid process and the vast majority of employees will not be required to change providers. At the same time, a very small percentage of faculty and staff may experience provider changes due to the network HMO consolidation. In the next several weeks we will continue our work with the providers in an attempt to further reduce disruptions.

Howard Pripas, Executive Director – UCOP  Labor Relations