Teach-in Monday, 7 to 9 pm, in Giedt 1001

Your students may have a lot of questions about the impending fee increases, and about the funding situation of UC in general. Faculty and students at UC Davis are sponsoring a teach-in from 7 to 9 pm on Monday in Giedt Hall Room 1001. The DFA recommends that you mention this teach-in to your students so they can plan to attend.

If you wish to present some information about the crisis, we have PowerPoint slides here, and there are a number of articles at the Keep California’s Promise website that would make good handouts (of particular interest for this use might be the 2 page overview discussion guide, the 1 page article on how tuition is being used to leverage Wall Street bonds, or the 2-page article about the disproportionate growth in administrative positions at UC).