DFA Board Nominations

It is time to renew the DFA board. In accordance with DFA bylaws, a nominating committee — this year made up of Omnia El Shakry, Valeria La Saponara and Greg Miller — has selected a slate of candidates to fill DFA board positions as listed below with the following code: C – continuing; R – renewing for another 2-year term; N – newly elected. I want very much to thank the nominating committee for their work and the outgoing board members for their past service on the DFA board.

Chair: Richard Scalettar (Physics) [C]
Ian Kennedy (Mech. and Aero. Engineering) [C]
Marjorie Longo (Chem. Eng. and Mat. Sci.) [R]
Susette Min (Asian American Studies) [C]
N. Sukumar (Civil and Enviro. Eng.) [C]
Scott Shershow (English) [R]
Julia Simon (French & Italian) [C]
Flagg Miller (Religious Studies) [N]
Julie Wyman (Cinema and Technocultural Studies) [N]
Ex-Officio: Joe Kiskis (Physics)

All nominees have agreed to serve. Newly elected members serve a two-year term of office that will run through September, 2016. Further nominations may be made upon petition of 5% of the membership in good standing. Such petitions must be delivered on or before September 14, 2014, to the DFA Executive Director at 1270 Farragut Circle, Davis, CA 95618. If no nominations are submitted, the slate shall be accepted as elected.