

April 21 March for Education

Students for California’s Future is planning a statewide protest of proposed cuts to education on the morning April 21. Locally, this will include a 9 am march from Raley field in West Sacramento to the steps of the Capitol where…

CUCFA in the Capitol

by Joe Kiskis, CUCFA Vice President for External Relations On April 7th CUCFA officers, including Eric Hays, Joe Kiskis and Ian Kennedy of the DFA, spent a day personally delivering a faculty perspective on the higher education budget to the…

Vanderhoef quoted in April 2 California Aggie

by Ian Kennedy A sharp-eyed DFA member spotted the following quote from Larry Vanderheof in The California Aggie of Wednesday April 2. With regard to our new President, Mark Yudof, Vanderhoef observed: “He comes from a system office at the…

Appointment of Yudof as President of UC

by Ian Kennedy The following article appeared in Inside Higher Ed: It reports the imminent appointment of Yudof as President of the University of California. It is worth noting in the article that there is an unattributed, possibly apocryphal,…

Hollowing out UC: We Need Examples

The Davis Faculty Association is a member of the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA). The following message comes from Bob Meister, President of CUCFA, and concerns the impact of budget cuts on the quality of a UC education. Please…

Myrna says Farewell

by Myrna Hays It was with mixed feelings that I announced to DFA Chair Ian  Kennedy my decision to retire from my job as Executive Director. I  began working for the DFA in December, 1979; that is a long time!…

New DFA Executive Director

by Ian Kennedy To the DFA membership: After 29 years of dedicated service to the Davis Faculty Association, Myrna Hays has announced her retirement from the position of  Executive Director. During those years, Myrna has given her time  selflessly to…