

Work Life program

The University of California, Davis, has an active “Work Life” program that helps faculty to balance their professional responsibilities with their personal responsibilities. Faculty can familiarize themselves with the benefits that are available in two locations: the Academic Personnel Manuel…

Testifying as an expert witness

Date: Dec. 3, 2007 TO: All DFA members FROM: Ian Kennedy, Chair, DFA The issue of outside professional activities, specifically testifying as an expert witness, has been raised recently by a member. The DFA Board believes that some members may…

Criteria for Charles P. Nash Prize

Some DFA members have inquired about the criteria for deciding who receives the Charles P. Nash Prize. The criteria are being finalized and the mechanism of selection of the prize winner is being decided by representatives from the DFA, Senate,…

Support the Charles P. Nash Prize

To: All DFA Members FROM: Ian Kennedy and the DFA Board RE: The Charles P. Nash Prize We are sending you this information both as an attachment and as text (see below) in case anyone has a problem opening the…

DFA Memo re. health benefits

Date: Sept. 13, 2007 TO: DFA Members FROM: Ian Kennedy, Chair The Labor Relations office at UCOP has responded to my letter that  set out the concerns of our members in regard to changes to providers  in our medical plans.…

Health Benefits Memo to UCOP

Date: August 10, 2007 TO: DFA Members FROM: Ian Kennedy, Chair Re: Health benefits The following letter was sent to Randolph Scott, Executive Director HRB-Policy & Program Design at UCOP: As you may recall from our meetings with you and…

Memorial Prize to honor Charlie Nash

The DFA board is currently collaborating with the Academic Senate and others to craft a memorial prize to honor Charlie Nash for the outstanding contribution he made over many years to the University community. We will keep the membership of…

Memorial for Charles Presley Nash

by Myrna Hays, Executive Director of the Davis Faculty Association and former Legislative Coordinator for the Council of UC Faculty Associations. Charlie Nash was a man who loved a challenge and he had a strong sense of fairness and justice.…