

Imminent UC Health Plan Changes

by Robert Meister, President, CUCFA Effective January 1, 2003, UC employees can expect their out-of-pocket costs to increase and their benefits to deteriorate. The design of the plans will also be considerably different: there will no longer be a zero-cost…

Legislative Report

by Charles P. Nash On January 10, 2002, Governor Davis submitted his budget recommendations for the fiscal year 2002-2003 to the Legislature. They included current-year (2001-2002) cuts in the base budgets of many agencies, including UC, as well as greatly…

Report on Graduate Education

Dear Folks: It is the goal of the DFA to help keep you informed on issues of interest to faculty. There was an article in the Jan. 17 California Aggie about graduate education expansion plans. In a presentation to the…

Legislative Update, August 2001

by Charles Nash To date, the active lobbying efforts of CUCFA have been devoted almost entirely to faculty salary matters. The “original” State Budget for UC, which the Governor submitted in January, as well as the budget proposed by the…

DFA Board Responds to SCPPR Report

by Ben McCoy Faculty Colleagues: The Davis Faculty Association has maintained a deep interest in the faculty personnel review process since we learned of and reported the shocking statistics that UC Davis faculty were seriously behind other UC campuses in…


by Peter Rodman A few weeks ago, Dateline ran an article on a small committee formed spontaneously to discuss issues of smoking on the Davis campus. I initiated the discussion because, like all UC campuses, UC Davis has a “Free”…

COLA Offset, Act II

by Charles P. Nash Readers of this newsletter may recall that in 1994-95 the University instituted a three-month offset of the payment of faculty and staff cost of living increases (COLAs) from the July 1st beginning of the State’s fiscal…

UC Budget Update

by Charles Nash and Myrna Hays On May 14, reacting to a $5.7 billion deterioration in the state’s fiscal condition, the Governor proposed reducing the University’s General Fund augmentation for 2001-2002 from an original (January) figure of $202.5M to $185.8M.…