

Update on Tenth Campus

At their September meeting, the  Regents approved authorization for continued planning and development of a tenth UC campus to be located at the previously approved Lake Yosemite site in Merced County. This authorization will enable UC to proceed with the…

UC Budget Update—1997-98 and 1998-99

At their October meeting, the UC Regents approved the budget for 1997-98 and discussed a proposal for 1998-99. There is not room here to outline the full budget proposal , but highlights which might be of particular interest to faculty…

Ochoa as New UC Regent

UCFA’s lobbyist, Ralph Ochoa, has just been appointed as a UC Regent to replace Claire Burgener. Since he will serve for at least one year while his confirmation is determined, the Council will need to seek new lobbying representation. It…

DFA Meets With Our Assemblywoman, Helen Thomson

On October 15, the DFA sponsored a campus meeting with Assemblywoman Helen Thomson (D-Davis). We also invited Marj Dickinson from UCD’s Office of Governmental Relations and some representatives from the UCD Alumni Association. Helen served for many years as a…

CUCFA Selects New Leadership

The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) has elected new leadership to become effective July 1, 1997 because current President David Leonard (Pol. Sci. at UCB) and Vice President Michael Warren (Literature, UCSC) have served the two-year term to which…

DFA Board Elections

A nominating committee consisting of Mark Wheelis (Microbiology), Terry Murphy (Plant Biology), and Martha Macri (Native American Studies) have selected the following slate of candidates to fill DFA Board vacancies: Chair: Jonathan Sandoval (Education) Vice Chair: Ben McCoy (Chem. Engr.)…

DFA Opposes Merit Pay Delay Plan

The  DFA Board has filed a formal  objection  to a proposal by the UC Administration to delay the payment of salary increases associated with academic merit and promotion actions until the Governor and the Legislature have approved a State budget…

CE Specialists’ Parity Pay Issue

As you may remember from our March Newsletter, a recent revision of the APM Section devoted to the Cooperative Extension Specialists title series changed their salary scale linkage from the Agronomists series to the Professional Research series. As a consequence,…

Legislative Update

The FAs have been following a number of issues in the Legislature, as we indicated in our March Newsletter: Long-Term Funding for UC — AB 1415 At UC’s request, Assembly Speaker Cruz Bustamante (D, Fresno) introduced AB 1415 which would…