Category Uncategorized

$10 Billion Budget Trigger

The UC system stands to regain $50M in lost funding if the State Treasurer determines that California has received more than $10 billion from the Federal stimulus. A public hearing to make this determination will be held on 17th March.…

Academic Freedom Article

A recent case at the University of Wisconsin raises serious legal issues about our rights of free speech as faculty members and the meaning of shared governance. It is worth reading the excerpt from the Chronicle of Higher Education to…

State budget update

For three days running now, the state legislature has been trying to pass the latest version of the state budget, without success. The legislature has adjourned for the night. DFA chair Ian Kennedy asked me to investigate UC’s plans to…

History of UC in the 1930s

by Ian Kennedy Our current difficulties find their parallel, almost eerily so, in an earlier time: the Depression years of the 1930’s. A history of UC from 1868 to 1968 by Verne Stadtman reveals some very interesting facts that may…

CUCFA’s Latest Letter to Legislators

California legislators continue to wrangle over the state’s budget. The Legislative Analyst’s Office continues to try to label the current per student funding, reduced as it is over previous years, as full per student funding. CUCFA’s Vice President for External…

UC Senate Statement on UCRP

All members, especially those nearing retirement age, will be interested in the UC Senate statement in regards to the safety of our retirement system and the wisdom, or lack of it, in cashing out. Go to this link for the…