Join the DFA

The DFA and public television have one thing in common. A few people subscribe, but everyone benefits. To be effective, we need the support of all UC faculty. We invite you to join your colleagues in supporting the efforts of our organization through your dues.

Retired faculty: Please visit our emeritus membership page.

Active faculty: Dues are $8 per month for all faculty for one year. After one year dues are $8 for assistant professors, $16 for associates, and $30 for full professors, payable by payroll deduction.

Click here for the online membership form.

If you would prefer to fill out a printed form, you can do so by clicking here.  After printing the form, fill it out, including your ID number, and sign it. Then mail the form to: DFA, PO Box 332, Davis, CA 95617. Cancel at any time be emailing

Would you also like to join the American Association of University Professors – AAUP?
Our online form gives you the option of also joining the AAUP at a reduced rate for Faculty Association members. For more information on membership in AAUP through the new partnership agreement with the Council of University of California Faculty Associations (CUCFA) please visit our Join the DFA-AAUP page. You will find there a link to the printed forms for both new and existing members who wish to add AAUP to their DFA membership, but prefer not to register online.

If you have any questions, or wish to pay your dues by credit card, contact