DFA Actions re. TALX

Recent actions by the campus to provide your personal tax information to a private company without your consent have raised concern that has resulted in some attempts by our Administration to mollify the faculty. The Board of the DFA believes…

Winter news bulletin overview

This brief communication is to let members know that the DFA Board is actively pursuing several important issues and is working with members to resolve various problems. This bulletin will serve as an overview of additional, more detailed, briefs to…

Did you know that the DFA…

…Asked Vice-Provost Horwitz how the new diversity language included in merit and promotion actions would affect faculty. Her response: “I do not interpret the revised languages in APM 210/240/245A as altering the criteria for merit or promotion.” …Investigated a complaint…

Membership and Dues Report

by Ian Kennedy At the October meeting of the Davis Faculty Association Board, discussion centered on the financial solvency and viability of the Association. Despite some recent, modest successes in recruiting, membership in the Association over the past year has…

Retiree Health Benefits

by Charles P. Nash Around November 1 of each year the status of retiree health benefits becomes a matter of immediate concern to the Emeriti members of the various Faculty Associations and the Emeriti Associations on all the UC campuses.…

2005-06 Legislative Session Wrap-up

(reposted from ) CUCFA was very active this legislative session. What follows are updates on the bills that we acted on and discussed with legislators. The Budget: This year the state budget was reasonably generous to UC, providing funding above…

Let us introduce you to the DFA

Let us introduce you to the Davis Faculty Association, a member of the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA). Independent of UC, we lobby on your behalf. If you find our goals and actions to be in your interest, we…

Letter to Dan Simmons Re: APM 700-10

To: Dan Simmons, Chair, Davis Division of the Academic Senate From: Ian Kennedy, Chair, Board of the Davis Faculty Association Subject: Formal review of draft APM 700-10 Date: May 8, 2006 The Davis Faculty Association Board is aware of the…

Horowitz Responds to DFA Letter

March 18, 2006 email (standard text is the original DFA letter, blue Arial text is Prof. Barbara Horwitz’s response). Professor Kennedy I apologize for the lateness of my reply to your inquiry of Jan. 28th.  As indicated in my responses…