Legislative Update

by Eric Hays and Charles Nash During the legislative session that began in January, CUCFA will be lobbying state legislators on at least three fronts: (1) Faculty Recruitment–if UC is to retain its identity as the world’s premier public university…

Letter to Senate Education Committee

February 8, 2006 To: The Honorable Jack Scott, Chair Senate Education Committee Re: Hearing on University of California Compensation Practices, February 8, 2006 Dear Senator Scott and Committee Members: Bluntly stated, the UC Regents’ announced goal of bringing all UC…

Letter to Regents Re: Non-Resident Tuition

The Regents of the University of California The Davis Faculty Association represents voluntary dues-paying members who serve on the faculty of the University of California Davis. Our membership is gravely concerned about the issue of non-resident tuition for foreign graduate…

FA Representatives Meet with UCOP Representatives

by Charles P. Nash, VP-External Relations and Eric Hays, Director-External Relations On October 26, 2005 we had our now-customary annual meeting with Assistant Vice President for Academic Advancement, Ellen Switkes, and Vice President for Budget, Larry Hershman. Among other things,…

Disability Insurance Issues

Dear DFA Members: The DFA Board is sending the following information to you as a means of helping you determine whether or not to sign up for the disability insurance being offered during the Nov. Open Enrollment period. You, of…

Tuition for non-resident graduate students

by Ian Kennedy Non-resident graduate students are currently required by the University of California to pay significant tuition charges, in excess of the fees that are paid by resident graduate students. US citizens and permanent residents can become residents of…

CUCFA’s 2005 Legislative Activities

by Charles P. Nash and Eric Hays The Davis Faculty Association is a member of the Council of University of California Faculty Associations (CUCFA). CUCFA advocates on behalf of senate faculty in the UC system. Its member organizations – including…

DFA Board Slate

The Nominating committee has selected the following slate of candidates to fill DFA Board positions as listed below with the following code (C – continuing; E – elect, RE – re-elect for one-year term): Officers: Chair  Ian Kennedy (Engineering) RE…