Notes From the UC Committee on Faculty Welfare
Annual Report (Renee Binder, Chair)
Legal Liability and Legal Representation:
UCFW continued to investigate issues of legal liability and legal
representation, issues that might arise if a Senate member is
sued or threatened with suit for acts related to University
employment, or is the target of a whistleblower's accusation.
UCFW is concerned that faculty members may be insufficiently
protected by current policies that do not guarantee independent
counsel for faculty members who are innocent of any wrongdoing,
but whose self-interests may be in conflict with the
self-interest of the University. UCFW is in the process of
forming a Subcommitteee on Legal Liability Issues. This UCFW
subcommittee will strive for revised policies that will be more
protective of the rights and due process of faculty members.
Colas: Three Month Delay from Start of Fiscal Year: UCFW
considered the Davis divisional CFW's proposal to end the cost of
living adjustment (COLA) offset. When COLAs are next funded, the
COLA delay could be abolished simply by returning to the
historic practice of having the effective date of a COLA coincide
with the start of the fiscal year, July 1 (rather than being
offset to October 1). Ending the COLA offset would prospectively
spare new retirees the financial prejudice that has been caused
to retirees over the past decade, who have had their base income
for retirement purposes diminished by the delayed receipt of
annual COLAs. The coming year, in which range adjustments are
expected to be small to non-existent, could be an appropriate
time for UC to commit to the normal July 1 date. This was
discussed in a preliminary way with Larry Hershman. The COLA
offset discussion will need to be continued in the future.
Phased Retirement (Phased Employment): UCFW has been working with
Administration to develop a proposal for a new, voluntary
phased-retirement program that would allow Senate members to
enter into pre-retirement contracts governing the terms and
extent of postretirement teaching and service. Mutual agreements
between the University and the individual employee, who would
have to be at least 60 years old, would be drawn up to cover a
period of three to five years. The employee would retire and
immediately begin to draw full retirement pay while continuing to
work on a pro-rated basis for any percentage up to 50 percent
time. At the end of the agreement, retirement benefits would be
recalculated, taking into account the additional (pro-rated)
service and any merits or range adjustments received in the
interim. Administration is gathering detailed information on
the strengths and weaknee]sses of existing programs at
comparison institutions; full benefits implications also need to
be worked out. Though a number of potential problems exist,
specifically involving startup costs, laboratory and office
space, steady progress has been made throughout the year on this
Parking Policy Principles -- Approved by UCFW, June 12,
2002:[There are 7 principles listed; I am quoting only #4. If you
want to see the others, contact me.]
4. When existing parking is destroyed to accommodate campus
development, the cost of constructing replacement parking should,
to the greatest extent possible, be included in and charged to
the cost of the new development.
New construction should result in an increase in the amount of
parking available in order to ensure that both pre-existing and
new parking needs are met. Unfortunately, construction projects
often destroy parking spaces and may even result in a net
decrease to the total number of spaces available on a campus. The
practice of requiring that parking budgets be levied to pay for
replacement spaces amounts to an inappropriate subsidy of the
University's capital costs by permit holders. There is no
prohibition on the use of State funds to pay for parking
expenses, and State funds have been used to pay for parking
construction on at least one UC campus. Even if such a
prohibition existed, it would be unreasonable to apply it to
spaces that have already been paid for one or more times by
permit holders.
The normal expectation should be that, to the greatest extent
possible, the full, current cost of replacement parking will be
incorporated into the cost of new construction and that this
policy will apply to both state-funded and non-state-funded
projects. However, when the cost of replacement parking would
make it impossible for a campus to undertake a state-funded
project deemed crucial to its academic mission, a campus
administration may propose an exception by consulting the body
designated under principle 6 with the understanding that the
burden of proof rests with those advocating that the policy on
replacement parking be overridden.
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