DFA Board Elections Slate  (May, 98)

A Nominating Committee consisting of Allan Edelson, Demo Pappagianis, and Kathryn Radke has selected the following slate of candidates to fill DFA Board vacancies:

Eugenio Amparo (Med: Radiology),  Alan Elms (Psychology), Bill Lasley (VM:PHR), and  Ariena  Van Bruggen (Plant Pathology). All nominees have agreed to serve. Their two-year terms of office will begin in Sept. 1998.

Further nominations may be made upon petition of 5% of the membership (15 members) in good standing as of April 1, 1998. Such petitions must be delivered on or before June 8, 1998, to the Executive Director (address above). Nominees must have agreed to serve.  If no nominations are submitted, the slate shall be accepted as elected.

Members of the above slate will join the current Board: Jonathan Sandoval, Charles Nash, Ben McCoy, Yvette Flores-Ortiz, Floyd Feeney, Cecelia Colombi, and Don Abbott. Current board members  leaving the Board are Sidney Gospe, Mark Matthews, and Lenora Timm.  We thank them for their fine service.

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