The Board notifed A&ES Dean Schneeeman of its support for salary parity for CE Specialists. On May 21, at a meeting of the A&ES College, the following resolution was introduced by DFA Board member Mark Matthews and seconded by Ford Denison. It passed unanimously.
The faculty of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis depolore the action by the UC Office of the President that separated the salary scale of the Cooperative Extension Specialists from that of the Academic Senate Faculty, and thereby denied merit equity salary adjustments to the Specialists. Inasmuch as the Cooperative Extension Specialists are our Departmental colleagues, drawn from the same pool of candidates as Senate faculty, and charged with parallel responsibilities in applied research, extension teaching, and service, we resolve that the Universiy should, at a minimum, restore them to salary equity, either by returning them to the Agronomist salary scale, or by granting them Equivalent Rank.
The DFA Board will continue to work with the College of A&ES in
interactions with the Academic Senate and the UCOP to achieve the goal
of equity for CE Specialists.